Sleeping late on Saturday...

What do you love to do? I've decided that what I really look forward to is: sleeping in on Saturday morning! Yes, I know I am missing all the yard sale bargains and the coolest part of the summer days to garden... but those things can't compare with sleeping until I am good and READY to get up on Saturday morning (or afternoon!) So, now you've been warned - I INTEND to post things here often, but... I might just be sleeping instead!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer is over, and my soul is not saved....

Every teacher I have ever known has some version of "the summer list" -- some things they plan to do or accomplish or whatever - during the summer (even if it's a trip, not a project list!) Anyway, I have just had my 20th such summer... and I don't recall that it has EVER come to an end SOOOO early!!! And did I get my list done??? eeek! Don't ask!!

I do have some friends (one of whom is a teacher, of course) that are under the impression that the teacher spouse has a list (the all year kind, not just the whimpy summer list) that is so long- that she will never die! (Something about how she will have to be left here on earth until she finishes her list....)

But for myself -- I wasn't really aiming for immortality! I just wanted to get my list done....

(Maybe NEXT year!!) (another thing teachers are prone to say.... !)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day! I'm sorry you didn't get your list done this summer!

8:53 PM  
Blogger Muum said...

this summer really did fly by, faster than usual for me, too. every day, every week, every season seems to be rolling along in fast forward. Maybe we need to be immortal so we can 'get (all that) stuff done!'

5:49 AM  
Blogger pjs said...

Ha! I never do! (Get my list done, that is!) t'anks for the b/d greetings. It was a good day.

And yes, Muum, life does seem a little f/f! and- I don't want to have to stay until I finish my list!!

6:48 PM  
Blogger pjs said...

Ha! I never do! (Get my list done, that is!) t'anks for the b/d greetings. It was a good day.

And yes, Muum, life does seem a little f/f! and- I don't want to have to stay until I finish my list!!

6:48 PM  

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